Tag: PC

  • Star Trek Online Battle

    In this Star Trek Online battle, my ship, the USS Ampere, is protecting a damaged ship from waves of alien attacks. Since my ship is a science vessel, it doesn’t have very powerful weapons, but does have good shields, so my hull is well protected. You can see that the battle is generally turning and…

  • Star Trek Online Sector Map Navigation

    This video shows sector map navigation in Star Trek Online. My ship, the USS Ampere, is in the galactic map sort of near DS9 and Bajor. I turn around an enter the Rolor Nebula, an area with randomly generated missions that you can repeat over and over again (and must if you want to rise…

  • Gaming Video Capture

    There are lots of people, including me, that post gaming videos on YouTube. The trick is to figure out how to capture the video. On a PC, we can use utilities like FRAPS to capture frames and make a movie from it. This works, but burdens the system a bit while you are playing the…

  • New Star Trek Online Content

    The folks that run Star Trek Online are doing their best to keep us from becoming bored and to draw gamers in. Now they have added some new weekly episodes, plus some daily repeatable missions that involve fighting the Breen. On the ground, the Breen use freeze grenades and things to slow or freeze you,…

  • Dragon Age:Origins

    One of my favorite games of the last year was Dragon Age:Origins. It is a tremendous RPG with good graphics and a great story (to be expected from Bioware games). It is almost an old-school RPG, like Neverwinter Nights, but simplified and not using D&D rules. In the game, you can choose your origin, whether…

  • Star Trek Online

    A game that I’ve been playing on and off for a few months is Star Trek Online. Because it is Star Trek, I signed on early, during the beta period, and even bought a lifetime subscription. Even back then, the space combat was quite good, though it is only partially 3-axis. Remember that these are…

  • New start in Oblivion

    A couple days ago, I did a new start in Oblivion. But wait, TallGuyCalif, you were playing Star Ocean! Why switch? With the scarcity of save points in Star Ocean, sometimes I need to play for a couple hours before coming to the next one (I’m in the Purgatorium dungeon where there are few save…

  • The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

    Even though I already owned the DVD version of Oblivion and Shivering Isles and most of the add-on content, I couldn’t pass up last week’s Steam sale where I bought the complete Oblivion, which seems to include at least one add-on that I didn’t have, for less than $8. I fired up Oblivion and was…