Tag: PC

  • Lord of the Rings Online –> Atom + Ion = Not Good

    Because of my power supply troubles with my gaming machine, I decided to install LOTRO on my Atom+Ion nettop machine. While the machine is pretty wimpy with only a dual-core + Hyperthreading 1.6GHz Atom, the Ion GPU makes it able to play some games. It did okay on Sins of a Solar Empire when I…

  • Power Supply Problems

    I’ve been having odd trouble for a while with my gaming PC. It’s a 2.67 GHz Core2Quad with 4GB RAM and an NVIDIA GTX 280. The odd thing was that sometimes, when I would turn it on, the power supply would make an extremely loud and scary BANG noise, usually followed by the machine’s power…

  • Enjoying Lord of the Rings Online

    I’ve been playing LOTRO when I get a little while between being busy with other things, and I’m enjoying it (mostly). The crafting system is pretty nifty and I’m working my way up as a prospector, cook, and jeweler. I also finally managed to buy a horse. In order to get said horse, I had…

  • Lord of the Rings Online Character Page

    Like Star Trek Online, Lord of the Rings Online has a personal character page that shows your characters and progress. Mine is here. It looks like the LOTRO one is even more capable than STO’s one, as it shows details about completed achievements and seems to allow users to add their own commentary. Not that…

  • More LOTRO pictures

    More LOTRO pictures

    I have been playing a bit more Lord of the Rings Online and am mostly enjoying it. I started a hobbit hunter, but after a quick meetup with Frodo and Sam, he ended up in the same introductory quests as the human character. So then I started an elf lore-master, and that had a completely…

  • Thoughts on Mass Effect 2

    Though Mass Effect 2 is old news, I am reminded of it because I recently managed to pry the DVD out of my drive, so it is sitting on a pile of other games on my desk. I don’t mean that it was in my drive because I loved it so much, but that I…

  • Finished Halo Reach

    Well, I finished Halo Reach, which both ends the series and brings everything full circle. I thought I had a long battle sequence left that would take a while, but really I just had to kill a couple of Elites and a Zealot and then a Covenant cruiser, and that was it. I won’t spoil…

  • Lord of the Rings Online

    This weekend, I signed up for the newly free-to-play Lord of the Rings Online. It is a fairly generic sword and sorcery massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG). Its hook is that it is set in the Tolkien Lord of the Rings universe (okay, Middle Earth) and you play a role (insignificant for the…

  • Star Trek Online Captain’s Status Update

    I finished the last of the Breen/Deferi/Preserver weekly episodes. It was pretty good and had not the worst plot of the game. I think if Cryptic can keep these up, it’ll be a great addition to the game. I also really made Vice Admiral. Before, when I maxed out the skill points, I wasn’t a…

  • A Closer Look at KOTOR

    I played a bit more of Knights of the Old Republic and remembered the good and bad parts of it. The good (great) parts are the story and much of the combat. The combat is a combined real-time and turn-based mix that works pretty well. As you can see in the video below, I can…