Tag: PC
Lord of the Rings Online –> Atom + Ion = Not Good
Because of my power supply troubles with my gaming machine, I decided to install LOTRO on my Atom+Ion nettop machine. While the machine is pretty wimpy with only a dual-core + Hyperthreading 1.6GHz Atom, the Ion GPU makes it able to play some games. It did okay on Sins of a Solar Empire when I…
Power Supply Problems
I’ve been having odd trouble for a while with my gaming PC. It’s a 2.67 GHz Core2Quad with 4GB RAM and an NVIDIA GTX 280. The odd thing was that sometimes, when I would turn it on, the power supply would make an extremely loud and scary BANG noise, usually followed by the machine’s power…
Thoughts on Mass Effect 2
Though Mass Effect 2 is old news, I am reminded of it because I recently managed to pry the DVD out of my drive, so it is sitting on a pile of other games on my desk. I don’t mean that it was in my drive because I loved it so much, but that I…
Finished Halo Reach
Well, I finished Halo Reach, which both ends the series and brings everything full circle. I thought I had a long battle sequence left that would take a while, but really I just had to kill a couple of Elites and a Zealot and then a Covenant cruiser, and that was it. I won’t spoil…
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