Tag: PC
Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition and Impulse: Finally Working
As a follow-up to my troubles with installing the Impulse version of Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition, I finally got it all working, though with a bit of trouble. Rather than just having Impulse download and install, I chose the “Download and Archive” option, which downloads the enormous install data, then saves it in case something…
Game download service Impulse seriously broken
Note: I will temper my diatribe below by saying that buried in the emailed receipt is the DLC code. I wrote some good things about the Impulse game download service some time ago when I compared Impulse to Steam. At the time, I said that I would prefer to get a game over Impulse rather…
Alan Wake and Half Life
I’ve really been enjoying playing Alan Wake, if those are the right terms. Perhaps “experiencing” rather than “playing” would be more appropriate, and “sucked into” rather than “playing.” Alan Wake is quite a compelling story that is slowly being unfolded as I play. Much of the game is quite easy, with some fun puzzles and…