Tag: PC

  • Star Trek Online only gets one chance a day

    I’ve been trying to play a bit of Star Trek Online since the Season 3 release, but they’ve had some server troubles and bugs. Today, while I was in the middle of a mission, I was “disconnected from server.” Well, this sort of thing doesn’t seem to happen so often in LOTRO or other games…

  • Star Trek Online Season 3 First Impressions

    I started a new character in Star Trek Online to see what the Season 3 update is all about. So far, when just starting out, the changes are just cosmetic. Sector space looks a lot better and less cartoonish. I think the developers wanted to make things look more cinematic, so there are small touches…

  • Too many games!

    Gosh, it’s a real problem that I have too many games to play and not enough time. Lord of the Rings Online had a recent update that fixed Lore Masters a bit and made positive changes to crafting. I’m really enjoying LOTRO! But now, Star Trek Online has put out the Season 3 update, so…

  • Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition and Impulse: Finally Working

    As a follow-up to my troubles with installing the Impulse version of Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition, I finally got it all working, though with a bit of trouble. Rather than just having Impulse download and install, I chose the “Download and Archive” option, which downloads the enormous install data, then saves it in case something…

  • Game download service Impulse seriously broken

    Note: I will temper my diatribe below by saying that buried in the emailed receipt is the DLC code. I wrote some good things about the Impulse game download service some time ago when I compared Impulse to Steam. At the time, I said that I would prefer to get a game over Impulse rather…

  • Alan Wake and Half Life

    I’ve really been enjoying playing Alan Wake, if those are the right terms. Perhaps “experiencing” rather than “playing” would be more appropriate, and “sucked into” rather than “playing.” Alan Wake is quite a compelling story that is slowly being unfolded as I play. Much of the game is quite easy, with some fun puzzles and…

  • Too Many Games, Not Enough Time

    While I have spent what little free time I’ve had lately enjoying Star Trek Online‘s great Weekly Episodes and Lord of the Rings Online‘s vast virtual world (and skirmishes), I have acquired or ordered some new games that I don’t know when I will have time to play. I bought Alan Wake a week or…

  • On “Freemium” Games

    I’ve been playing a lot of “freemium” games lately and have had some thoughts on them. A freemium game is free to play, but builds in mechanisms for the user to pay real money for premium features or goodies. Some of my favorite freemium games include Pocket Legends, Lord of the Rings Online, Pocket Frogs,…

  • Free MMORPGs for all!

    I’ve been enjoying two free-to-play MMORPGs a lot recently. Lord of the Rings Online is a terrific MMORPG for the PC with good combat, skills, and even crafting. I’ve been working on my prospector and jeweler crafting in order to be able to make good stuff for my kinship. I joined a pretty terrific kinship…

  • Pocket Legends

    Because my main gaming PC is still down for the count because of power supply problems, I started playing Pocket Legends on the iPad. This is a pretty interesting MMORPG that looks very good on iPad (and is playable on iPhone too). The user interface is very simple, with a tap to designate a target,…