Tag: PC

  • My Latest LOTRO News

    It has been a while since I posted any LOTRO news, and my video upload project is stalled because I’ve been busy. Most of my characters have left Thirst for Power, which couldn’t seem to gain critical mass in terms of having enough active members online at any time. Most of the kin members jumped…

  • LOTRO Middle Earth Tour Part 2: Needlehole to Michel Delving

    This video continues my Middle Earth tour in LOTRO. I start at the entrance to the Shire from Ered Luin (see the first video) and the ride to Waymeet and Michel Delving, ending at the Mathom House. This video was captured using the Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle using an HDMI connection. While the sound was set…

  • LOTRO Middle Earth Tour Part 1: Ered Luin

    This is the start of my tour of Middle Earth as envisioned by The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). LOTRO is such a huge game that I thought it would be worthwhile to show people how amazing it is. I decided I would ride from end to end and post the video, but I…

  • Enjoying Dragon Age II

    I posted before that Dragon Age II is pretty good, but I am enjoying it more and more each time I play it. I still haven’t found a powerful over-arching plot, but the side quests and personal quests for your companions are very good and compelling. As I said before, the combat is quicker and…

  • Dragon Age II is great (plus PC failure)

    I got Dragon Age II on release day and it is great. It isn’t quite as compelling as the original, which I simply couldn’t stop playing, but it is still very fun. DA II is clearly much more aimed at console users than PC users, so the top-down view is gone – instead, the camera…

  • Dragon Age II Demo is Fun!

    I played the Dragon Age II demo today and it was pretty awesome. In the demo, I chose to play a rogue, which meant either dual-wielding blades or bow and arrow. I chose the blades. There are essentially 3 parts to the demo. In the first, you and a mage are fighting lots or darkspawn.…

  • Enjoying the story quests in Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)

    I’ve really been enjoying the story missions in LOTRO recently. I had neglected them for a while, because I was having so much fun in skirmishes and generally exploring Middle Earth. I had completed the missions in Lone Lands and North Downs (Esteldin), so was sent to Rivendell for more. Elrond had me running all…

  • Logitech G15 Keyboard Spill and Cleaning

    I managed to spill less than a mouthful of Coke on my fabulous Logitech G15 gaming keyboard yesterday. I immediately unplugged it to avoid electrical damage, but then I did exactly the wrong thing: I turned it over to try to drain the Coke out. It turns out my beloved keyboard has raised mounts on…

  • Why I like LOTRO so much

    Note: as I write this, LOTRO is down. There is big activity on Twitter where everyone is telling which server they’re on. Look for the #Servername hashtag. I posted mine. I have been enjoying Lord of the Rings Online a lot recently. I have 4 characters (the natives call them “toons”) on the Gladden server,…

  • Just bought X Superbox on Steam!

    One of Steam’s daily deals is the X Superbox, which contains 5 X Universe (space adventure) games and some bonus goodies. I have already bought X2:The Threat, X3:Reunion, and X3:Terran Conflict on disk and re-bought X3:TC on Steam, but the opportunity to play the earlier games was too good to pass up. Plus I wanted…