Tag: PC
Dragon Age II Demo is Fun!
I played the Dragon Age II demo today and it was pretty awesome. In the demo, I chose to play a rogue, which meant either dual-wielding blades or bow and arrow. I chose the blades. There are essentially 3 parts to the demo. In the first, you and a mage are fighting lots or darkspawn.…
Logitech G15 Keyboard Spill and Cleaning
I managed to spill less than a mouthful of Coke on my fabulous Logitech G15 gaming keyboard yesterday. I immediately unplugged it to avoid electrical damage, but then I did exactly the wrong thing: I turned it over to try to drain the Coke out. It turns out my beloved keyboard has raised mounts on…
Just bought X Superbox on Steam!
One of Steam’s daily deals is the X Superbox, which contains 5 X Universe (space adventure) games and some bonus goodies. I have already bought X2:The Threat, X3:Reunion, and X3:Terran Conflict on disk and re-bought X3:TC on Steam, but the opportunity to play the earlier games was too good to pass up. Plus I wanted…
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